Prof. Bernard Ufuoma Enaibe

Prof. Bernard Ufuoma Enaibe

Office Address
Ground Floor, Anatomy Office Complex, College of Health Sciences, University of Ilorin
Teaching and Research Area
Neuroscience; Neuro-embryologyology and Neuro-histochemistry


Bernard U. Enaibe is a Professor in the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Ilorin with 32 years University teaching, research and administrative experience. He was the Head of the Department of Anatomy, Sub-Dean of the Students Affairs (College) and the President of Anatomical Society of Nigeria (ASN). Currently, he is the PI of the Laboratory of Neuro-embryology and neuro-histochemistry. Enaibe’s Laboratory seeks to understand the link between heavy metals and fetal brain development; including understanding how these metals affects the  memory, learning, emotion and cognitive. Specifically, he studies how gestational co-exposure to environmental factors impact the structure, histochemistry and immunochemistry of the hippocampus in rodent models, in a bid to understand the process of certain developmental conditions involving memory, learning, emotion and cognitive states.